Whether you want to reduce your utility bills or protect the environment, there are various ways to save energy while being at home.
In most cases, you do not need to invest in expensive energy-saving equipment, this could be something as simple as reviewing and changing your daily behavior.
How to Reduce Energy Use at Home – Tips
1. Assess and change behaviors leading to energy waste
We usually leave the lights open in empty rooms because we forget to turn them off, we forget to stop appliances from working when we don’t need them, we are setting the thermostats to operate at higher temperatures than we need, which will consume energy in excess.
By summing up all of these energy loss, we realize that the energy consumption in the house is quite high, so we need to pay large amounts of money to cover the excess energy consumption of your house.
By changing your behavior and investing in a few intelligent systems that can manage the energy consumption in the house, you can start to conserve energy and significantly reduce your monthly consumption.
2. Invest in energy efficient appliances
There is a whole range of energy efficient appliances on the market today, most of them having a similar or slightly higher price compared to the traditional appliances.
Instead of investing a conventional water heater, dishwasher or HVAC system, you should always invest in a green and modern device, which will help you to save energy. Replace your old light bulbs with LED light bulbs to save even more energy in the house.
By replacing the old appliances with newer and more efficient ones, your monthly bills will go down due to the fact that you actually conserve more energy.
3. Understanding your energy consumption
When you decide to reduce your energy consumption in the house, you need to check the energy consumption pretty often to understand what are the biggest energy consumers inside the house.
In Georgia, there are various tools that can help you determine the heavy energy consumers in the house.
You can also find insights from Georgia natural gas to help you break down your monthly bills into the constituent parts.
Knowing how much energy is consumed in the house during a 24 hour period, you can make the required changes to reduce the daily consumption, which will significantly reduce the monthly energy bills.
4. Upgrade your HVAC and water heater system
Heating and cooling the house will consume the most energy in your home and is responsible for more than 50% of the monthly bills. You can upgrade your system to include modern devices that are greener by consuming less energy.
Find systems that allow you to turn down the furnace during the winter and AC units during the summer (when you don’t need them. These slight changes in energy consumption can make all the difference in the annual energy bills.
Water heaters are some of the biggest energy consumers in the house, and to reduce your energy bills you need can insulate the hot water tanks and pipes and you can install tankless or on-demand hot water systems.
Initial costs may be high, but once you start using them, you will quickly feel a relief in terms of energy consumption by saving money on energy bills.
5. Weatherproof the house
Weatherproofing is a simple technique to help you reduce the amount of energy consumed for heating and cooling the house. You can start by replacing the single-panel windows with double-glazed panels that provide better insulation.
You also need to seal all the cracks and empty spaces in the roof, ceilings and doors, weatherproof the windows and install medium-colored draperies to block the outside heat from entering the rooms during the summer.
Making efforts towards saving energy will do more than just reduce your annual energy bill. While improving the energy efficiency you will reduce the carbon footprint of your house, and you will start looking into other sustainable approaches to save you even more resources such as water.
It does not always have to be an investment for you. You can start by changing your lifestyle and behavior inside the house by paying more attention to the energy consumed in excess (for nothing). At the end of the day, these small energy savings can teach you how to conserve energy and can significantly reduce your annual energy bills.
Hello! We all have good reasons to save electricity especially now when the cold season is getting closer. I don’t believe that our electric bill amount is always accurate nor does it always mention the exact units of power consumed by our appliances. So, I have installed OHM Assistant – the best home energy monitor. The decisive factor for me is to know how to check electricity consumption at home without any hassle and errors. This energy monitor comes with an electricity monitor app that keeps a thorough tab on all my electrical appliances. Because of this monitor, I can know which device is consuming more anytime, without having to guess and do the 50+ things mentioned in the numerous articles I have read so far.
The following simple ways to conserve energy at the residence is really informational. I just want to add on something that I am confused about buying the proper water heaters both for my home and office.
I want to buy an affordable and durable water heater for my houshold, but I need one that is smart and green in order to save energy.