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How to Responsibly Dispose Your Old Mattress

recycle your old mattress

Mattresses are used everyday, especially when we go to sleep or during the day if we need to stay in bed. Every room has at least one mattress that should support the family’s sleeping requirements pretty well.

They can be found in every home, but they can also become a burden after a long usage due to their bad condition.

If you properly care and maintain your mattress it will have a pretty long life in your house, however, what can we do when we have one or more mattresses that need to be disposed due to fact that they are old and in bad condition?

Finding your old mattress a new home can be a challenging task for anyone. Not to mention that due to their weight, it’s a hard task to carry them from one place to another. Throwing your old mattress to the dumpster isn’t a good idea if you care about the environment and the people living on the plant.

If you use the dumpster to get rid of your old mattress, it will end up in the landfill, and we all know that in these places, the soil and the underground water can be contaminated with toxic substances produced by decaying garbage. This is the reason why mattresses should be properly disposed instead of only throwing them to the dumpster.

Unless you can find a dumpster company like one on that offers green dumpster, the cost will be a little more for the average person, but it’s still an expense worth paying if you care about the environment.

If you consider yourself a responsible person, you have to learn how to properly dispose your old mattresses.

Of course, the best option in this case is to recycle the mattress and this way to help the planet. However, recycling a mattress is not an easy job, and you may have limited options when trying to do it without proper help.

Tips to properly dispose your mattress

The following tips will help you learn how to dispose a mattress without affecting the environment.

1. Start with a Proper Assessment

There are different types of mattresses on the market today, the most expensive ones using improved materials that can provide a longer period of usage.

However, when the mattress becomes unusable it might be unusable for sleeping, but usable for other purposes.

You will realize that the mattress is no longer viable for sleeping because some of its springs have breached the outter layer, the mattress itself makes a lot of noise when you lay down on it, etc.

Even if the mattress still seem to be comfortable for you, if you see springs coming out of it due to the long usage this is a certain sign that is time to replace it with a new one.

However, before getting rid of the old mattress for any immediate signs specific to a done mattress such as: shagginess, springs appearing on the top, or making too much noise when you use it.

Even if your mattress feel only slightly uncomfortable and you can still sleep on it without having any apparent issue, it’s best to exchange it with a new and modern one.


In some cases the mattress could be intact despite the fact that you used it for a pretty long period of time.
In such cases, you have the option to donate it.

A mattress is a pretty expensive item, so i’m sure that many people would be interested to take it for free.

If you want to donate it, you only have to tell your friends that you have an old mattress and you want to donate it.

You will be contacted the same day because it’s free for them.

Find a Reliable Recycling Company

Dumping your mattress in an already cramped landfill will only apparently solve the problem because in a couple of weeks will start polluting the soil beneath the landfill. This is the reason why recycling or reusing the mattress (sell or donate) should be the only option in this case.

For this matter, you can consult a reliable old mattress disposal agency and find out the guidelines to properly dispose your used mattress.

Different states can have various laws and rulings on recycling parts of the mattress and also conditions to accept your mattress. You can search the web to find other options to recycle and find out how different companies can transport your old mattress and the related fees, if any.

Try to find a reliable and government-backed recycling center that can accept your used mattress because only this way you can be sure that the mattress will not be disposed in the landfill.


It is also possible that you won’t be able to find a mattress recycling center near you, or one that accepts the whole mattresses. In this case, you will need to cut the mattress to get the parts that can be recycled. You can also use some of the parts in your home for gardening or other things.

Get a New Mattress

After selling, donating or handing your old mattress to the recycling center, you will need to get a new one because otherwise you will have nothing to sleep on.

Several mattress companies offer pick-up services in addition to providing a brand new replacement. This way, you can be sure that they will take good care of your old mattress. However, make sure that you do a background check on the company before handing over the old mattress to them, because only this way you will be sure that they take your mattress only for recycling purposes.

Sell It

The last thing that you can do is to sell your old mattress. If you find people interested to buy your old mattress you can be sure that your old mattress will continue to serve others instead of being thrown to the dumpster and after that in a landfill.

This way you can save some money for the new mattress that you are planning to buy.


An old mattress should only be sold, donated or properly recycled, and never thrown to the dumpster because this way you will only increase the level of soil and water pollution in your area (the used mattress will end up in the landfill).

If you want to buy a new mattress you can sell your old mattress, however, to get a new mattress and get rid of the old one waits for Black Friday and talk with a company that accepts your old mattress to give you a new and improved one.

Article written by:

I am a writer and reporter for the clean energy sector, I cover climate change issues, new clean technologies, sustainability and green cars. Danny Ovy

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