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NVZN Tokens Reconnecting Green Energy and Blockchain Tech

NVZN Tokens

Ever since bitcoin was developed in 2008, the high energy consumption of bitcoin network was one of the flagship arguments raised against it by cryptocurrency sceptics.

The technology behind bitcoin, known as blockchain, operates on Proof-of-Work algorithm, a protocol required to define a pretty expensive computer calculation, which is known as mining, and needs to be performed in order to create a new group of trustless transactions on a distributed ledger called blockchain.

Mining bitcoin really is an energy costly process, and news outlets often like to remind the general public that bitcoin already consumes more energy than countries such as Switzerland or Czech Republic.

But what is true for bitcoin, doesn’t necessarily apply to all applications of blockchain technology. What if the situation was reversed, and blockchain could actually be used to produce clean and renewable energy?

INVIZION’s mission is to creating green energy using the power of Blockchain Technology

By using smart contracts and advanced DeFi (Decentralized Finance) solutions, waste can be efficiently tracked in a way that guarantees that it is utilized properly – whether it is industrial waste or household garbage, all waste tracked with NVZN tokens ends up recycled into renewable energy using a patented process invented by INVIZION’s partner CETS Technologies.

Green Energy and Blockchain Technology are usually seen as an oxymoron in the same sentence. The team at Invizion are redefining the way these two words will be used. INVIZION plays a pivotal role in enabling companies to move toward a greener economy, using blockchain technology, and specifically, the ERC-20 NVZN TOKEN.

Capital raised from the NVZN Token will be used to fund audited green energy projects which are primarily turning waste into green energy farms.

This waste is tracked with our innovative method, that combines blockchain technology with IoT (Internet of Things) solutions, and turned into energy in a completely environmentally safe process. No harmful byproducts are created, and the energy produced can be used to operate hospitals, industrial sites, commercial complexes, or simply sold to the local power grid.

INVIZION does not offer just a vague vision, but a coherent concept supported by solid data. Tracking waste with NVZN tokens results in the carbon footprint reduction of around 30% on average.

Increasing energy efficiency not only reduces energy operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions, but also lowers the financial cost of getting rid of waste: INVIZION’s partners enjoy a minimum of 20% savings over their current cost of waste disposal.

Turning Waste Into Renewable Energy Using NVZN tokens

Tracking of waste with NVZN tokens has a potential to not only help the ecosystem of our planet in general, but also to help the blockchain ecosystem in particular.

For far too long cryptocurrency critics have been repeating the same arguments about blockchain technology being unsustainable and environmentally unfriendly.

INVIZION has a chance to change the way the public sees blockchain by providing an undeniable use case. The NVZN Token will offset the consumed energy used by the Ethereum Network it’s on, and produce a significantly greater amount of renewable energy.

INVIZION believes that the crypto revolution that started with bitcoin was just the beginning of a worldwide phenomenon in which blockchain technology is increasingly being used to disrupt outdated processes and inefficient industries. What bitcoin did to the world of finance and banking, INVIZION will do to the world of renewable energy.

Article written by:

I am a writer and reporter for the clean energy sector, I cover climate change issues, new clean technologies, sustainability and green cars. Danny Ovy

1 Comment

  1. Coffee Man

    This article provided me a clear idea to better understand how bloggers can benefit using blockchain tech.

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